In video below you can see how to make your free version of Teamviewer Premium (TeamViewer download free windows). For higher availability please use Premium version of TeamViewer. Link breaks are very rarely and if they happen server automatically restarts and connection is made again. We this feature, you can do whatever you want on other computer including installation, other VPN connection, copying files etc.Ī connection between computers is done via the server on which are connected yours and remote computer, and with this type of connection even this two computers can’t control which data is transfered during session. One of the best thing about TeamViewer is that connection over TeamViewer gives you administrator authority on the other computer. So security level here is very high and it is almost impossible for someone to connect to your computer randomly. The connection is done by entering “session ID” number (which in unique for every computer) and entering a password. After one of these steps you are ready for connection to the other computer. In the second way all you need to do is start Application exe file without any installation on your drive. In the first way (classic installation) you need to start installation Setup exe file and software will install you all predefined modules which will start automatically every time when you start TeamViewer. There are two ways for TeamViewer installation. Just use your Teamviewer Premium account and connect to your computer at home. If you are in college and and you need some files from your computer no problem. In praxis that means that with Teamviewer you can access your personal computer at home from any place. TeamViewer is a proprietary software application for remote control, desktop sharing, online meetings, web conferencing and file transfer between computers.

You can use Teamviewer either on Windows or Mac. In this post I will show you how to download Teamviewer for free. TeamViewer download free Windows Premium Version